Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions 6600 Switch User Manual

ipv6 rip interface IPv6 Commands
page 2-64 Release 5.1.6.R02 User Guide Supplement June 2005
ipv6 rip interface
Creates/deletes a RIPng interface.
ipv6 rip interface if_name
[no] ipv6 rip interface if_name
Syntax Definitions
if_name IPv6 interface name.
Platforms Supported
OmniSwitch 6624, 6648, 7700, 7800, 8800
Usage Guidelines
By default, a RIPng interface is created in the enabled state.
Routing is enabled on a VLAN when you create a router port. However, to enable RIPng routing, you
must also configure and enable a RIPng routing interface on the VLAN’s IP router port. For more
information on VLANs and router ports, see Chapter 21, “VLAN Management Commands.”
RIPng will support a maximum of 20 interfaces.
-> ipv6 rip interface Test_Lab
Release History
Release 5.1.6; command was introduced.