Page 378 7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide
The no form of the command removes the criterion from the match entry.
Default no icmp-type — no match criterion for the ICMP type
Parameters icmp-type — The ICMP type values that must be present to match.
Values 0 — 255
Syntax ip-option ip-option-value ip-option-mask
no ip-option
Context config>filter>ip-filter>entry>match
Description This command configures matching packets with a specific IP option or a range of IP options in the
first option of the IP header as an IP filter match criterion.
The option-type octet contains 3 fields:
1 bit copied flag (copy options in all fragments)
2 bits option class
5 bits option number
The no form of the command removes the match criterion.
Default No IP option match criterion
Parameters ip-option-value — Enter the 8 bit option-type as a decimal integer. The mask is applied as an AND to
the option byte, the result is compared with the option-value.
The decimal value entered for the match should be a combined value of the eight bit option type
field and not just the option number. Thus to match on IP packets that contain the Router Alert
option (option number = 20), enter the option type of 148 (10010100).
Values 0 — 255
ip-option-mask — This is optional and may be used when specifying a range of option numbers to
use as the match criteria.
This 8 bit mask can be configured using the following formats:
Default 255 (decimal) (exact match)
Values 1 — 255 (decimal)
Format Style Format Syntax Example
DDD 20
0xHH 0x14
0bBBBBBBBB 0b0010100