IP Router Configuration
7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide Page 39
Configuration Notes
The following information describes router configuration caveats.
• A system interface and associated IP address should be specified.
• Boot options file (BOF) parameters must be configured prior to configuring router
• Confederations can be configured before protocol connections (such as BGP) and peering
parameters are configured.
• IPv6 interface parameters can only be configured on systems provisioned with the iom2-
20g and 400g SFM2 card types.
• In order to configure IPv6 interface parameters, the chassis mode must be set to c in the
config>system>chassis-mode context. Use the force keyword to upgrade to c mode with
cards provisioned as iom-20g or iom-20g-b.
• An iom2-20g and a SFM2 card are required to enable the IPv6 CPM filter and per-peer
queuing functionality.
Reference Sources
For information on supported IETF drafts and standards, as well as standard and proprietary
MIBS, refer to Standards and Protocol Support on page 477.