Smart Distribution Panel with ATS 63
How to Connect an EPO Switch to the ATS
Connecting the switch. The Emergency Power Off
(EPO) switch connects to the ATS user connection
plate. The figure on page 11 shows the location of the
user connection plate on the roof of the ATS. Connect a
switch to the user interface circuit board (shown at
right) using one of three following connections:
• Contact closure (Recommended!)
You can make connections from inside the enclosure, or you can
remove the user connection plate and make your connections.
Remove the plate using a Phillips or standard screwdriver to
loosen the two captive screws. Use the knockout in the plate to
route cables to and from the user connections on the plate. If you
remove the plate, make sure that you do not disturb the existing
Configuring and testing. Configuring and testing of the switch
are done through the EPO interface on the ATS monitoring unit.
The figure to the right shows the ATS monitoring unit and the
location of the EPO LEDs and DIP switches.
If you do not connect an EPO switch to the ATS, make sure to set the ATS Arm/Test
rocker on the ATS monitoring unit to Test.
The terminal block on the user connection plate accepts
wire sizes from 2.5 to 0.2 mm