Avaya 106760804 Power Supply User Manual

Document No. 10-300090, Issue 1 10-39
Intelligent Multicast
show lgmp client
Command Mode User.
Description Displays current LGMP client configuration information or statistics.
Omitting parameters after the statistics keyword displays global LGMP
client statistics.
Syntax show lgmp client {config | statistics [vlan {all | <vlan-id> | name <vlan-
Sample Output The following example displays LGMP client statistics.
> show lgmp client statistics
Global LGMP Client Statistics
LGMP Client Message Reception Stats
Report --------------------------- 0
Leave ---------------------------- 0
End Session ---------------------- 0
Router Report -------------------- 0
Router Leave --------------------- 0
Invalid -------------------------- 0
LGMP Client Intelligent Multicast Session Stats
New Client Ports Added ----------- 0
Existing Client Ports Removed ---- 0
Existing Sessions Removed -------- 0
New Router Ports Added ----------- 0
ExistingRouter Ports Removed ----- 0
Systems P550R, P580, P880, and P882.
Table 10-22. Parameters, Keywords, Arguments
Name Definition
config | statistics LGMP client configuration or statistics.
vlan The keyword for per VLAN commands.
all - All VLANS.
vlan-id - The numerical ID of a specific VLAN.
name - The VLAN name.