Document No. 10-300090, Issue 1 25-3
snmp-server atm-community
Command Mode Global Configuration.
Description Creates or modifies a community string to access the ATM Uplink module.
The no command deletes the community string.
Systems P580 and P882.
To Configure: snmp-server atm-community <community-string>
<slot> {ro | rw} [<ip-addr>]
To Delete: no snmp-server atm-community <community-string>
Table 25-1. Parameters, Keywords, Arguments
Field Definition
The name of the community string. The community
string can range from 1 to 26 characters.
Do not assign a community string and SNMPv3 user the
same name.
<slot> The slot number of the ATM Uplink module.
ro Assigns read-only access to the community string.
rw Assigns read-write access to the community string.
[<ip-addr>] The IP address from which the community string is