2 Minutes*
3 Minutes
4 Minutes
5 Minutes
6 Minutes
7 Minutes
8 Minutes
Redial Tries Specify the number of times the printer redials failed faxes.
0 Times
1 Time
2 Times
3 Times*
4 Times
5 Times
Dial Prefix
None*—Press the Select button to change defaults.
Create—Press the Select button to create a prefix if one is necessary to obtain
an outside line.
Modify—Press the Select button to modify your existing prefix.
Dial Volume Specify the dial volume of the fax modem.
Before Dial*—the fax is scanned to memory before dialing the fax number.
After Dial—the fax number is dialed, communication with receiving fax is
established, and then the fax is scanned.
Max Send
Specify the maximum data speed your phone system will allow.
33,600 bps*
31,200 bps
28,800 bps
26,400 bps