Restoring your data | 143
Setup Guide
Step 8: Restore on new appliance
To restore your data from another appliance
1 On the new appliance, click Administration > Backup and restore >
Restore from another appliance.
2 If Network Discovery has been set up for e-mail, choose whether or not an
e-mail notification will be sent and to whose account.
3 Click Restore.
Network Discovery will not respond for a short period. This is normal.
4 When the restore is complete, you can check the restore log by clicking
Administration > Backup and restore > View restore log.
When you click Restore, the copy is scheduled for one minute later. The data will
be copied to this Peregrine appliance as a backup, then the backup replaces the
active data for this appliance.
Note: Your accounts will be restored from the backup, so you will be prompted
to login again.