WRVS4400N User Guide 172
ProtectLink > Web Protection
Business Hour Setting
Business Days—Select the appropriate days. The default days are Mon. through Fri.
Business Times—To specify entire days, keep the default, All day (24 hours). To specify hours,
select Specify business hours. For morning hours, select Morning, and then select the
appropriate From and To times. For afternoon hours, select Afternoon, and then select the
appropriate From and To times.
Web Reputation
Select the appropriate security level:
High—This level blocks a higher number of potentially malicious websites but also increases
the risk of false positives. (A false positive is a website that can be trusted but seems potentially
Medium—This level blocks most potentially malicious websites and does not create too many
false positives. The default is Medium and is the recommended setting.
Low—This level blocks fewer potentially malicious websites and reduces the risk of false
Approved URLs
You can designate up to 20 trusted URLs that will always be accessible.
Enable Approved URL list—To set up a list of always accessible URLs, select this option.
URL(s) to approve—Enter the trusted URL(s). Separate multiple URLs with semicolons (“;”).
Add—To add the URLs, click Add.
Approved URLs list—The trusted URLs are displayed. To delete a URL, click its trash can icon.
Approved Clients
You can designate up to 20 trusted clients (local IP addresses) that will always have access to
filtered URLs.
Enable Approved Client list—To set up a list of trusted clients, select this option.
IP addresses/range—Enter the appropriate IP addresses or ranges. Separate multiple URLs
with semicolons (“;”). For a range of IP addresses, use a hyphen (“-”). Example:
Add—To add the IP addresses or ranges, click Add.
Approved Clients list—The IP addresses or range of trusted clients are displayed. To delete an
IP address or range, click its trash can icon.
URL Overflow Control
Specify the behavior you want if there are more URL requests than the service can handle.