WRVS4400N User Guide 84
Administration Tab
Setting Up and Configuring the Router
Outgoing Log—Select Enable to cause all outgoing packets to be logged. You can then click
View Outgoing Table to display information on the outgoing packets including Source IP,
Destination IP, and Service/Port number.
Incoming Log—Select Enable to cause all incoming packets to be logged. You can then click
View Incoming Table to display information on incoming packets including Source IP,
Destination IP, and Service/Port number.
Email Alerts
Email Alerts—If enabled, an e-mail will be sent when the number of DoS events exceeds the
defined threshold or the total events number exceed 100. If enabled, the e-mail address
information (below) must be provided.
Denial of Service Thresholds—Enter the number of DoS (Denial of Service) attacks that need
to be detected (and blocked) by the software firewall before an e-mail alert is sent. The
minimum value is 20, the maximum value is 100. Note that if IPS has been enabled, IPS would
block DoS attacks before they reach the firewall. In that case, please check the IPS Report to
know event details.
Log Queue Length—The default is 50 entries (Router will e-mail the log if there are more than
50 entries).
Log Time Threshold—The default is 10 minutes (Router will e-mail the log every 10 minutes).
SMTP Mail Server—Enter the address (domain name) or IP address of the SMTP (Simple Mail
Transport Protocol) server you use for outgoing e-mails.
Email Address for Alert Logs—Enter the e-mail address the log is to be sent to.
Return Email Address—The e-mail will show this address as the sender's address.
Enable SMTP Authentication—If your SMTP server requires Authentication, you can enable it
here, and enter the Username and Password.
E-mail Log Now—Press this button to cause the log to be e-mailed immediately.
Enable Syslog—Select Enable if you want to use this feature.
Syslog Server—Enter the IP Address in the Syslog Server field when Enable Syslog is checked.
0 LOG_EMERG System unusable
Level Severity Name Description