
WRVS4400N User Guide 70
Setting Up and Configuring the Router
Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a security measure that creates a secure connection between
two remote locations. Configure these settings so the Gateway will create VPN tunnels.
IPSec VPN Tunnel
Select Tunnel Entry—Select a tunnel to configure.
Delete—Deletes all settings for the selected tunnel.
Summary—Shows the settings and status of all enabled tunnels.
IPSec VPN Tunnel—Check the Enable option to enable this tunnel.
Tunnel Name—Enter a name for this tunnel, such as "LA Office".
Local Group Setup
Local Security Gateway Type—There are two types. They are IP Only, IP + Domain Name
(FQDN) Authentication.
IP Only—If you select IP Only, only the specific IP Address will be able to access the
tunnel. The WAN IP of RVS4000 will appear in this field automatically.
IP + Domain Name (FQDN) Authentication—If you select this type, enter the FQDN
(Fully Qualified Domain Name), and IP address will come out automatically. The FQDN is
the host name and domain name for a specific computer on the Internet, for example,
vpn.myvpnserver.com. The IP and FQDN must be same with the Remote Security
Gateway type of the remote VPN device, and the same IP and FQDN can be only for one
tunnel connection.