D-Link DI-1162 Network Router User Manual

DI-1162/DI-1162M Remote Access Router
Step 1 - Setting up the Console
The initial setup of the DI-1162/DI-1162M requires connecting a console to the 9-pin RS-232 Diagnostic port
on the router’s front panel. A serial cable is supplied with the router in order to make this connection. A
console can be a terminal, such as a VT-100, or a normal PC running terminal emulation software (such as
Microsoft HyperTerminal, included with Windows). The terminal emulation software needs to be configured to
the following parameters:
VT100 terminal emulation
9600 baud
No parity, 8 data bits, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit
No flow control
Step 2 - Connecting the Console to the Router
A serial cable is included in the DI-1162/DI-1162M package. To connect this cable, plug its nine-pin connector
into the 9-pin RS-232 Diagnostic port on the router’s front panel, then connect the other end to the serial port on
the rear of your computer or data terminal.
Please make sure both machines are turned off before making this connection.
After the connection is made, first power on the console. If you are using a PC, run the terminal emulation
software at this time. After the PC and the terminal emulation software are up and running, power on the router.
Using the Console
The Console Program is the interface that you will be using to configure your DI-1162/DI-1162M. Several
operations that you should be familiar with before you attempt to modify the configuration of your router are listed
Moving Forward to Another Menu
To move forward to a submenu below the current one, use Tab or
arrow keys to position the cursor on the submenu item and press Enter to view the selected submenu.
Moving the Cursor
Within a menu, use Tab and arrow keys to navigate through different information
Entering Information
There are two types of fields that you will need to fill in. The first requires you to
type in the appropriate information. The second gives you choices to choose from. In the second case, press
the space bar to cycle through the available choices. Upon configuring all fields the submenu, position the
cursor on SAVE and press Enter to save, or position the cursor on EXIT to cancel.
Refreshing the Screen
Console screens are notorious for becoming garbled. When this happens, simply
press <Ctrl> + <R> to refresh the contents of the screen.
Step 3 - Initial Configuration of the Router
After the console is properly connected and both devices are powered on as described in the preceding sections,
you should see the router run through the power on self test (POST). Finally, it will arrive at the logon screen
shown below: