D-Link DI-1162 Network Router User Manual

DI-1162/DI-1162M Remote Access Router
This drops (doesn’t allow routing for) a specific packet that has met the criteria of the
corresponding IPX filter.
This does not apply the IPX filter.
Direction –
This defines the direction of the packet relative to the Interface parameter below.
Interface –
This applies the filter to a specific interface, LAN or one of the WANs.
Packet Type –
Defined by Novell for special services.
Destination Network Number –
This is the IPX network number of each device in a subnet created by a user.
Destination Node –
This field contains the address of the node on which the router resides. This is usually the
MAC address of this device.
Destination Socket –
This field contains the socket number on which the router will receive service requests.
Source Network Number –
This is the IPX network number of the network where the packet originated.
Source Node –
This field contains the MAC address of the originating machine.
Source Socket –
This field contains a specific socket number which IPX packets can be discarded.
IPX SAP Type Filter
The SAP type filter parameters are described below:
Type –
This is used to remove selected incoming service access information before it is entered into the service
information table for the router.
State –
Toggle to
this filter.
Multiple Home Configuration
Besides the IP address assigned to the LAN interface in the
Network Configuration
menu, each LAN may have
up to 3 additional IP interfaces. These additional IP interfaces are referred to as MIP’s and MIP1 to MIP3 are