EMC ED-12000B Switch User Manual

EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
Telnet Commands
NS Pre-zoning Mode The NS Prezoning Mode field is as follows:
Pre-zoned responses Mode
Specify 0 for Standard Mode, or 1 for Pre-zoning On. The default
value is 0.
Arbitrated Loop
The Arbitrated Loop Setting fields are shown in Table 1-5:
Send FAN frames?
Specifies that fabric address notification (FAN) frames be sent to
public loop devices to notify them of their node ID and address.
When set to 1, frames are sent; when set to 0 frames are not sent.
Always send RSCN
Following the completion of loop initialization, a remote state change
notification (RSCN) is issued when FL_Ports detect the presence of
new devices or the absence of pre-existing devices. When set, an
RSCN is issued upon completion of loop initialization, regardless of
the presence or absence of new or preexisting devices.
Enable CLOSE on OPEN received?
If this is set, a CLS is returned immediately to an OPEN if no buffers
are available. This is required for TachLite.
Table 1-5 Configure Command Arbitrated Loop Settings
Field Default Range
Alternate BB Credit?
00 or 1
Send FAN frames?
10 or 1
Always send RSCN?
00 or 1
Enable CLOSE on OPEN received?
00 or 1
Do Not Allow AL_PA 0x00?
00 or 1
Initialize All Looplets? (v3.0 only)
00 or 1