EMC ED-12000B Switch User Manual

Telnet Commands
Remove a member from a zone configuration.
cfgRemove "cfgName", "member; member"
Availability Admin
Description Use this command to remove a member from an existing zone
The member list is located by an exact string match, therefore, it is
important to maintain the order when removing multiple members.
For example, if a zone configuration contains cfg2; cfg3; cfg4 then
removing cfg3; cfg4 succeeds, but removing cfg4; cfg3 fails.
If all members are removed, the zone configuration is deleted.
This command requires a Zoning License.
Operands The following operands are required:
Specify a name of a zone configuration, in
quotation marks.
Specify a member or list of members to be
deleted from the zone configuration, in
quotation marks, separated by semicolons.
Members can be specified in one or more of the
following methods:
Zone names
QuickLoop names
FA (Fabric Assist) zone names
This operand is required.