EMC ED-12000B Switch User Manual

Telnet Commands
Force the failover mechanism so that the standby CP becomes the
active CP.
Syntax haFailover
Availability Admin
Description Use this command to force the failover mechanism to occur so that
the standby CP becomes the active CP. Because
hafailover results in
CP reboot, a warning mesage and a confirmation are displayed. If the
user answers positively, then the failover takes place.
Operands None
To force the failover of the active CP to the standbyCP in the switch:
switch:admin> hafailover
Warning: This command is being run on a control processor(CP)
based system and will cause the active CP to reset. This will
cause disruption to devices attached to both switch 0 and switch 1.
To just reboot a logical switch on this system, use command
switchreboot(1M) on the logical switch you intend to reboot.
Are you sure you want to reboot the active CP [y/n]? n
failover not confirmed!
See Also haDisable