EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
Telnet Commands
Table 1-8 lists the errShow entries:
Table 1-9 lists the error code numbers for v4.0, the POST test that
generates this number, and the type of error.
Table 1-8 errShow Entries
Entry Description
Error Number
Beginning at one. If the number of errors exceeds the size of the
log, the most recent errors are shown.
Task ID (Task
The ID and name of the task recording the error.
Time Stamp
The date and time of the first occurrence of the error.
Error Count
For errors that occur multiple times, the repeat count is shown in
parenthesis. The maximum count is 999.
Error Type
An uppercase string showing the firmware module and error
type. The switch manual contains a detailed explanation of error
Error Level
0 = panic (the switch reboots)
1 = critical
2 = error
3 = warning
4 = information
5 = debug
Error Message
Additional information about the error.
Table 1-9 Error Codes for v4.0
Entry Description
Diag Err# A hexadecimal four-digit code representing error type generated by diagnostic only
as follows: