System Application Guide SAG581126000
Spec. No. 581126000 (Model 700
NVBA) Issue AD, November 23, 2009
Page 19 of 123
This document is property of Emerson Network Power, Energy Systems, North America, Inc. and contains confidential and proprietary information owned by Emerson Network Power, Energy
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6) Order one (1) Module Mounting Position Blank Cover Panel, Part No. 540959, for each empty
module mounting position in the system.
7) Order fuses and/or circuit breakers, as required, per '
Distribution Devices' under ACCESSORY
8) Order input and load distribution lugs, as required, per '
Wiring Components' under ACCESSORY
9) Order as required additional options per Lists
29 and 93.
10) Order as required any additional accessories described under
List 10: MCA (Standard Application)
♦ Provides one standard application Meter-Control-Alarm (MCA)
assembly (Configuration No. 534876). Refer to
for a description of MCA functions.
♦ Alarms: Major, Minor, High Voltage #1, High Voltage #2, Battery on Discharge, 50% Battery On
Discharge, AC Fail, MCA Audible, Test/Equalize Mode.
Only one (1) MCA per power system is required.
Mounts in the Main Bay Distribution Cabinet.
Cannot be ordered with
List 2 or List 5.
Ordering Notes
1) Order one (1) List 10,
11, 12, or 13 as required per power system.
List 11: MCA (Special Application)
♦ Provides one special application Meter-Control-Alarm (MCA)
assembly (Configuration No. 534877). Refer to
for a description of MCA functions.
♦ Alarms: Major, Minor, High Voltage #1, Rectifier Module Fail
Major, Battery On Discharge, Rectifier Module Fail Minor, AC Fail, MCA Audible, Fuse/Circuit Breaker.
Only one (1) MCA per power system is required.
Mounts in the Main Bay Distribution Cabinet.
Cannot be ordered with
List 2 or List 5.
Ordering Notes
1) Order one (1) List
10, 11, 12, or 13 as required per power system.