Emerson SAG581126000 Power Supply User Manual

SAG581126000 System Application Guide
Issue AD, November 23, 2009 Spec. No. 581126000 (Model 700
Page 84 of 123
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Standard Crimp Lug Tables
Lead Size Part Number
14-10 AWG 245342300
8 AWG 245390200
6 AWG 245346700
4 AWG 245346800
2 AWG 245346900
Table 9
Crimp Lug
Two-Hole, 1/4” Bolt Clearance Hole, 5/8” Centers
Lead Size Part Number
6 AWG 245349900
4 AWG 245350000
2 AWG 245348200
1/0 AWG 245347100
2/0 AWG 245347200
3/0 AWG 245347300
4/0 AWG 245347400
250 kcmil 245347500
300 kcmil 245347600
350 kcmil 245347700
400 kcmil 245347800
500 kcmil 245347900
600 kcmil 245348000
750 kcmil 245348100
Table 10
Crimp Lug
Two-Hole, 3/8” Bolt Clearance Hole, 1” Centers