SAG581126000 System Application Guide
Issue AD, November 23, 2009 Spec. No. 581126000 (Model 700
Page 92 of 123
This document is property of Emerson Network Power, Energy Systems, North America, Inc. and contains confidential and proprietary information owned by Emerson Network Power, Energy
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Analog Battery Temperature Probe (P/N 521262)
♦ An analog probe designed to sense internal battery temperature. Mounts on the negative terminal of the
battery; mounting hole clears 5/16” hardware. Includes 15 ft. cable with connector. See "
Dimensions, Optional Analog Battery Temperature Probe (P/N 521262)" under PHYSICAL SIZE
INFORMATION for a dimensional drawing.
Ordering Notes
1) See above Ordering Notes.
TXM Extension Cable (P/N 514153)
♦ 25 ft. long cable. Can be used between a P/N 521262 Analog Battery
Temperature Probe and the TXM; or to extend a P/N 521228 interface
cable between the TXM and MCA.
Ordering Notes
1) See above Ordering Notes.
Battery Busbar Extension Kit (P/N 514713)
♦ Provides busbar extension plates and mounting hardware for extending
battery busbars through the top of a Distribution Cabinet. Each busbar
extension plate provides three pairs of clearance holes for 3/8” hardware on
1” centers. Allows back-to-back lug landing for up to six lugs per polarity.
See "
Electrical Connection Locations and Dimensions, Input Battery
(Connections to Optional Battery Busbar Extension Kit P/N 514713
Installed in Lists 21 through 24 Distribution Cabinets)" under PHYSICAL
SIZE INFORMATION for a dimensional drawing.
Required for cable connections between 1200A and 2000A per bay when inter-bay busbars are not provided.
Ordering Notes
1) Order one (1) kit P/N 514713 per bay that busbars are to be extended, as required.
Battery Busbar Extension Kit (P/N 529143)
♦ Provides busbar extension plates, mounting hardware, and rear
plastic cover for extending battery busbars through the top of a
Distribution Cabinet. Each busbar extension plate provides six
pairs of clearance holes for 3/8” hardware on 1” centers.
Allows back-to-back lug landing for up to twelve lugs per
polarity. See "
Electrical Connection Locations and Dimensions,
Input Battery (Connections to Optional Battery Busbar
Extension Kit P/N 529143 Installed in Lists 21 through 24
Distribution Cabinets)" under PHYSICAL SIZE INFORMATION
for a dimensional drawing.