System Application Guide SAG581126000
Spec. No. 581126000 (Model 700
NVBA) Issue AD, November 23, 2009
Page 93 of 123
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Required for cable connections between 1200A and 2000A per bay when inter-bay busbars are not provided.
Ordering Notes
1) Order one (1) kit P/N 529143 per bay that busbars are to be extended, as required.
Lug Adapter Busbar for 250 Amp Bullet Nose Type Circuit Breaker (P/N 514717)
♦ Provides a busbar that mounts on the three lug landing positions of a 250A bullet nose
circuit breaker, and provides a landing for a
Special Application Crimp Lug / Strap
Combination, which accepts required wire size.
Ordering Notes
1) Order one (1) P/N 514717 per 250A Bullet Nose circuit breaker ordered.
Lug Adapter Busbar Kit for 125-200 Amp Bullet Nose Type Circuit Breaker (P/N 534449)
Includes one (1) busbar that mounts on the two lug landing positions of a 125-200A bullet nose
circuit breaker, and provides a landing for one standard two-hole lug having 3/8" bolt clearance
holes on 1" centers. Also includes one (1) busbar that mounts on two landings of the system
ground return bar, and provides one landing for a standard two-hole lug having 3/8" bolt clearance
Holes on 1" centers. All busbar and lug mounting hardware is included.
Ordering Notes
1) Order (1) Part No. 534449 per 125-200A Bullet Nose circuit breaker ordered.
Lug Adapter Busbar Kit for 250 Amp Bullet Nose Type Circuit Breaker (P/N 514714)
Includes one (1) busbar that mounts on the three lug landing positions of a 250A bullet nose
circuit breaker, and provides one landing for a standard two-hole lug having 3/8" bolt clearance
holes on 1" centers. Also includes one (1) busbar that mounts on three landings of the system
ground return bar, and provides one landing for a standard two-hole lug having 3/8" bolt
clearance Holes on 1" centers. All busbar and lug mounting hardware is included.
Ordering Notes
1) Order (1) Part No. 514714 per 250A Bullet Nose circuit breaker ordered.
Bullet Distribution Assembly Lug Hardware Kit (P/N 520332)
♦ Kit provides all hardware required to connect load and ground lugs for four (4) positions of a bullet nose-
type distribution assembly. Kit includes (8) 1/4-20 x 3/4" Bolt, (8) 1/4-20 Nut, (16) 1/4" Flat Washer, (16)
1/4" Lock Washer.
Ordering Notes
1) Order Kit P/N 520332, as required.