SAG581126000 System Application Guide
Issue AD, November 23, 2009 Spec. No. 581126000 (Model 700
Page 94 of 123
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LVD Contactor Bypass Kits (P/Ns 514910 and 514912)
♦ Designed for field installation in a bullet nose type distribution bus assembly
where the LVD function is no longer required. Each kit provides a busbar
designed to bypass one (1) low voltage disconnect contactor in a List
CA, GB, LB, or LC.
Kit P/N 514910 may be installed with power applied to system.
Kit P/N 514912 must be installed with power removed from system.
Ordering Notes
1) To bypass a contactor without removing it, order one (1) P/N 514910 kit
(may be installed with power applied to system). Includes hardware.
2) To replace a contactor with busbar, order one (1) P/N 514912 kit
(must be installed with power removed from system). Includes hardware.
Kit P/N 514912
Kit P/N 514910