Appendix C
GSIOC Commands
Q I Reads the XYZ travel range. Returns “axis=min/max”
axis - X, Y or Z.
min - Lowest position in tenths of millimeters.
max - Highest position in tenths of millimeters.
The first time the command is sent, it returns the X range;
the second time, it returns the Y range; the third time, it
returns the Z range.
R I Reads front panel LED display. Returns “cccccccc” which
are the eight characters currently shown on the display. If
a character is non-printable, the hexadecimal ASCII code
for the character is returned.
S I Reads the command in the synchronization buffer. There
may be up to eight commands pending. Returns “|” if
buffer is empty.
Smm B Sends a synchronized buffered command (mm) that will
be executed when the instrument is quiescent. Sending a
command can overwrite unexecuted, existing commands.
If you send this command without indicating a parameter
(mm), the buffer is cleared.
Ta,b,c,d B Sets the Z-height (from the locator plate up, in tenths of
millimeters) for each probe, where:
a is the Z-height for probe A
b is the Z-height for probe B
c is the Z-height for probe C
d is the Z-height for probe D
If a Z-height is not specified, that probe will not move. For
example, “T500,,300”, sets the probe A Z-height to 500 and
probe C Z-height to 300.
T I Reads the last set Z height using the buffered T command
(from the locator plate up, in tenths of millimeters) for each
probe. Returns:
a is the Z-height for probe A
b is the Z-height for probe B
c is the Z-height for probe C
d is the Z-height for probe D