Gilson 215 Robotics User Manual

Appendix B
Code 214 rack
For 96 vessels
Material: aluminum
Vessels and maximum capacity: 48 10.25 x 47 mm (2.5 mL)
48 10.25 x 64 mm (44 mL)
Part number: 2504614
Note: Place the shorter tubes into the notched tube
Code 216 rack
For 60 Waters WISP vials
Material: aluminum
Vessels and maximum capacity: 60 15 x 45 mm (4 mL)
Part number: 2504616
Code 217 rack
For 96 tubes
Material: aluminum
Vessels and maximum capacity: 96 10 x 75 mm culture
tubes (3.5 mL)
Part number: 2504617
Code 218 rack
For two microplates and eight 10 x 75 culture tubes
Material: aluminum
Vessels and maximum capacity: two 96-well microplates
and eight 10 x 75 mm culture tubes (3.5 mL)
Part number: 2504618
Note: Instead of microplate(s), you can install Beckman
modular reservoirs.