System Administrator Screens
312353B 45
Meter Setup ______________________________________________
Click Meter Setup to go to the Meter Setup screen (FIG. 84). This screen adds or deletes a meter used in the Matrix
Adding a Meter
1. Click Add Meter.
2. A new meter record is added to the list. Add infor-
mation to the record by following the steps for Modi-
fying Meter Information.
Modifying Meter Information
1. Locate the blank meter record that was added, or
the meter record that needs to have information
changed. In the corresponding Action column, click
Modify. The Meter Setup screen appears (F
IG. 85).
2. Type in the name (typically a number) of the meter.
This field can be changed without reprogramming
the meter.
3. Click Meter Mode drop down list and select Manual,
Preset, or Restricted Preset.
• Manual – the amount dispensed is determined
by the operator.
• Preset – the meter is programmed for a default
preset volume. The preset volume can be modi-
fied on a work order-to-work order basis when
sending work orders from the PC. The preset
volume can always be increased or decreased
by any amount at the meter prior to beginning
the dispense. Also see Select a Top-off Limit on
page 46, covered later in this Meter Setup sec-
• Restricted Preset – exactly the same as the
Preset mode, except the preset volume cannot
be increased at the meter.
4. Select the Fluid Type from the tanks loaded. Only
fluids that have a tank monitor or a tank entry dis-
5. The Units setting was a global selection that was
set in system configuration. This setting can be
changed on a meter to meter basis using this
screen if desired.
6. Meter calibration is automatically displayed when a
fluid is selected in Tank Setup. These values repre-
sent a global calibration default setting, meaning
that the calibration number appears on all Meter
Setup screens. You can change the calibration for
an individual meter using this screen. If most meters
IG. 84 Meter Setup Screen
FIG. 85 Meter Setup