Software Fixes
Release F.05.19 (Never Released)
Fixed in release F.05.19
■ Counters (PR_92221) — Counters for J4834A 100/1000 xcvr do not clear .
■ Crash/Bus Error (PR_92466) — Bus error related to 802.1X/unauthorized VLAN.
■ Agent Hang (PR_92802) — Agent 'hang'. Fix for agent 'hang' (ping and TELNET hang, but
not the Console).
Release F.05.20 (Never Released)
Fixed in release F.05.20
■ Crash/Bus Error (PR_98514) — HW Addr=0x00000000 IP=0x002a22d8 Task='tNetTask'
Task ID=0xe2e740.
■ SSH (PR_96648) — Fix implemented for CERT Advisory CA-2003-24 and associated
vulnerability note "VU#333628" at http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2003-24.html .
Release F.05.21 (Never Released)
Fixed in release F.05.21
■ STP/Mgmt VLAN (PR_1000000431) — If the user configures the Management VLAN as
VID 1, STP and RSTP may forward traffic on redundant links, resulting in broadcast storms.
Release F.05.22
Fixed in release F.05.22
■ Agent Hang (PR_1000003867) — Switch agent communications such as ping, TELNET,
Web, SNMP, etc. may fail, due to ICMP Redirects never aging.
■ Counters (PR_92221) — Counters for Ports 25 & 26 do not reset properly following a
switch reset or reboot.
■ Console Hang (PR_97705) — Console lockup, due to the LAND.C attack.
■ Counters (PR_98241) — Multicast MIB-2 counters are inaccurate.
■ DHCP (PR_1000002032) — DHCP Enhancement: Send Host Name with DHCP Messages.
■ GVRP (PR_1000003124) — Uncertain error message when trying to add more than max
■ SSH (PR_1000005026) — IP Authorized Manager configuration does not prevent SSH
access to the switch.