
Software Fixes
Release F.05.32 (Not a General Release)
Fixed in release F.05.32
TFTP/Config (PR_1000215024) — After a new configuration is loaded from a TFTP server,
the switch reboots so the new configuration will take effect. If that same configuration is
loaded from a TFTP server, the switch recognizes that the configuration is unchanged and
the switch does not reboot. Loading the same configuration repeatedly (without rebooting)
causes a memory leak.
Release F.05.33
Fixed in release F.05.33
Config (PR_1000216051) — Copying a previously saved startup-configuration that has
"stack join (mac address)" to a member switch of the IP stack breaks the membership of that
same stack. Stack commander reports member "mismatched".
Web (PR_1000080857) — Java files are JDK 1.1, which are not Win2k compliant. (For this
fix they were recompiled using JDK 1.2.)
Release F.05.34
Fixed in release F.05.34
VLAN (PR_1000225158) — When VLANs are created or added to the switch in non-
sequential order (based on VLAN ID), incrementing MAC addresses are assigned to each
VLAN as it is added. These address assignments change on reboot of the switch.
Web UI (PR_1000214188) — The scroll bar does not display or respond correctly after
resizing a window.
Release F.05.35 (Never Released)
Release F.05.36 (Never Released)
Fixed in release F.05.36
Crash (PR_1000217354) — The switch may crash with a Bus error in mSnmpCtrl when
adding a less-specific static route.
RSTP (PR_1000001612) Under some circumstances a port may take approximately 30
seconds to go into a Forwarding state.