HP (Hewlett-Packard) Legato Networker Printer User Manual

Legato NetWorker, Release 7.0
Disaster Recovery Guide
notification A message generated and sent to the NetWorker
administrator about important NetWorker events.
online indexes The databases located on the NetWorker server that
contain all the information pertaining to the client
backups (client file index) and backup volumes (media
operator The person who monitors the server status, loads
backup volumes into the server devices, and
otherwise executes the day-to-day NetWorker tasks.
override A NetWorker feature that allows you to configure a
different backup level for a specific date listed in a
Schedule resource.
package The term used by HP-UX to denote a cluster server.
Also known as an agent (Sun), logical server (HP
TruCluster), and virtual server (Microsoft).
packet filtering A method of firewall protection that looks at each
packet entering or leaving the network and accepts or
rejects it based on user-defined rules. See also firewall.
parallelism A NetWorker feature that enables the NetWorker
server to either back up save sets from several clients
or many save sets from one client at the same time.
Parallelism is also available during recovers.
pathname A set of instructions to the operating system for
accessing a file. An absolute pathname tells how to find
a file beginning at the root directory and working
down the directory tree. A relative pathname tells how
to find the file starting where you are now.
physical cluster
A NetWorker client that is bound to a physical
machine in the cluster and can represent its own
resources (private or local). It can also be called the
physical client.
physical host Any one of the nodes (or machines) that forms the