Appendix E • ADTRAN Total Access 600R
1037753-0001 Revision A
Figure 87 on page 103 shows the front panel of the unit.
Front panel LEDs
You can use the front panel LEDs to monitor the operation
and activity of the ADTRAN. Refer to
Table 5 for an expla-
nation of the color patterns.
Navigating the user
The ADTRAN 600R uses a multi-level menu structure that
contains menu items and data fields as shown in
Figure 88 on
Figure 87: ADTRAN front panel
Table 5: ADTRAN front panel LEDs
LEDs Color Indication
LAN TX/RX Off No traffic on the LAN.
Green (blinking) No data traffic on the
LAN LINK Off The physical link is
down; there is no
Ethernet connection.
Green (solid) There is link integrity
on the LAN.
WAN STAT Red (solid) T1 sync loss has
Yellow (solid) T1 is in yellow alarm.
Green (solid) The unit is not in alarm.
WAN ERR Off The link is up and
Red (solid) The WAN link has
severe errors.
Red (flashing) The T1 is down.
Yellow (solid) The WAN link has
PWR Green (solid) Power is supplied to
the unit.
Off No power to the unit.