Sizing, Considerations, and Recommendations 59
5.4.3 OneWorld Workstation Requirements
In this section, we list the software and hardware requirements for the OneWorld
Table 11. Software and Hardware Requirements for Workstations
Components Minimum Requirements IBM Recommendations
CPU Intel Pentium 200 MHz Intel Pentium II 400 MHz
RAM 32 MB 96 MB
Hard Disk Space 320 MB - 1.49 GB Free Space
320 MB - Partial without
Development Objects
992 MB - Partial with Development
1.49 GB - Full without Development
1.8 GB - Full with Development
Screen Resolution 800 x 600 pixels 800 x 600 pixels
Windows NT 4.0 Workstation with
SvcPack 4 (1)
or Windows 95 (2)
or Window 98 (2)
Not Available 500 MB - Windows NT Workstation
350 MB - Windows 95
400 MB - Windows 98
Internet Explorer 4.01 or above Not Available 30 MB
Acrobat Reader 3.01 or above Not Available 5 MB
Microsoft Access 7.0
or Access 97 (optional)
Not Available 30 MB - Only required if user is to edit
Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0(3)
Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0(5)
Not Available 140 MB
OneWorld HELP Files 22 MB (4) 25 MB
Printer Postscript, line, PCL Network printer able to handle
(1) Must use Windows NT 4.0 Workstation with Service Pack 4, if being used as a development workstation.
(2) Although it is possible to do development on Windows 98 and Windows 95, it is not recommended.
(3) Microsoft C++ 5.0 is only required if the workstation is to be used for programming.
(4) Normally, the OneWorld HELP files are serviced from the deployment server. However, if you wish, they can be
installed on workstations.
(5) Microsoft C++ 6.0 is only required if the workstation is to be used for programming. C++ 6.0 is only supported on
OneWorld B73.3.1.