
2) Click on the Add push button from the Data Sources window.
The Add Data Source Window opens.
3) Double-click on the IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER in the list.
4) Select the DB2 database to add and click on OK.
3. Configure the DB2 CLI/ODBC driver using the CCA: (Optional)
a. Select the DB2 database alias you want to configure.
b. Click on the Properties push button. The Database Properties window
c. Click on the Settings push button. The CLI/ODBC Settings window
d. Click on the Advanced push button. You can set the configuration
keywords in the window that appears. These keywords are associated
with the database alias name, and affect all DB2 CLI/ODBC
applications that access the database. The online help explains all of
the keywords, as does an appendix in the Installation and Configuration
Supplement manual.
4. If you have installed ODBC access (as described above), you can now
access DB2 data using ODBC applications. Start the ODBC application and
go to the Open window. Select the ODBC databases file type. The DB2
databases that you added as ODBC data sources will be selectable from
the list. Many ODBC applications will open the table as read-only unless a
unique index exists.
Detailed Configuration Information
The section “Platform Specific Details for CLI/ODBC Access” on page 123
should provide you with all of the information you require. Installation and
Configuration Supplement includes additional information on setting up and
using DB2 CLI and ODBC applications. (The online Installation and
Configuration Supplement manual is located in the directory x:\doc\en\html,
where x: is the letter that designates your CD-ROM and en is the
two-character country code that represents your language, for example en for
English.) This information is useful where DB2 tool support is not available,
and for administrators who require more detailed information.
The following topics are covered in the Installation and Configuration
Supplement online manual:
v How to Bind the DB2 CLI/ODBC Driver to the Database
v How to Set CLI/ODBC Configuration Keywords
v Configuring db2cli.ini
126 Quick Beginnings