Chapter 4. Installing DB2 Connect on Windows 9x or
Windows NT
This section describes how to install DB2 Connect Personal Edition on
Windows 32-bit operating systems. For information on how to deploy this
product using a distributed installation or set up a Thin Connect workstation,
refer to the Installation and Configuration Supplement.
Before You Begin
Before you begin the installation, ensure that you have the following items
and information:
__ 1. Ensure that your system meets all of the memory, hardware, and
software requirements to install your DB2 product. For more
information, see “Chapter 2. Planning for Installation” on page 23.
__ 2. The type of host connectivity you will be using:
v Direct connection via TCP/IP
v Direct connection via SNA using Integrated SNA Support or a third
party SNA product
v Connection via SNA Gateway. If using the SNA gateway make sure
– SNA Gateway software is installed and configured on the gateway
server machine and connectivity can be established from the
gateway machine to the host or AS/400. For instructions on
configuring IBM eNetwork Communication Server see
“Configuring IBM eNetwork Communications Server for Windows
NT” on page 70. For instructions on configuring Microsoft SNA
Server see “Configuring Microsoft SNA Server for Windows NT”
on page 79. If you are using another gateway consult the
documentation provided with your SNA Gateway product.
– Client software for your SNA Gateway software is installed and
configured on the workstation where DB2 Connect Personal
Edition is installed. For instructions on configuring client software
for IBM eNetwork Communications Server, see “Configuring IBM
eNetwork Communications Server for Windows NT SNA API
Client” on page 76. For instructions on configuring client software
for Microsoft SNA Server see “Configuring Microsoft SNA Client”
on page 88.
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