window opens.
b. Enter the following information:
v The LU Alias (12).
v The NETID (9).
v The LU Name (11).
c. Select the Advanced tab.
d. Select the Member of Default Outgoing Local APPC LU Pool
option. Accept the other defaults.
e. Click on OK.
Step 6. Define a remote LU
a. Right-click on SNA Services icon and select the
Insert->APPC->Remote LU option. The Remote APPC Lu
Properties window opens.
b. Click on the Connection drop down box and select the
appropriate connection name (7).
c. Enter the partner LU name (2)intheLU Alias field.
d. Enter the Network ID (1)intheNetwork Name field.
The other fields will be filled in by the program. If your LU alias is
not the same as your LU Name, make sure you specify the LU Name
in the appropriate field. The program will fill it in automatically, but
it will be incorrect if the alias and the name are not the same.
e. Click on OK.
84 Quick Beginnings