
v 1ST_CONN, the first database that a connection is established to will be
used as the Transaction Manager database for transactions. If this option is
used, then the first database connected to must be either a DB2 Universal
Database Version 5 or later database, or a DB2 Universal Database for
OS/390 Version 5.1 or later database. This is the recommended setting, and
it is the default value for TM_DATABASE.
v database_name, the named database that is connected to will be used. If this
option is used, we recommend that the named database should be either a
DB2 Universal Database version 5 or later database, or a DB2 Universal
Database for OS/390 Version 5.1 or later database.
Update the DB2 Connect Directories:
1. At a command line prompt, issue the following command to catalog the
DB2 for MVS/ESA node:
db2 catalog tcpip node MVSIPNOD remote MVSHOST server db2inst1c
v MVSIPNOD is the local DB2 Connect node name to be used for the
v MVSHOST is the eight-character TCP/IP host name for the DB2
Universal Database for OS/390 host. TCP/IP name lookup must resolve
this name to the correct destination Internet address, either through an
entry in the local hosts file on the DB2 Connect workstation, or via a
Domain Name Server (DNS) referenced by the DB2 Connect
v db2inst1c is the port number defined at the DB2 Connect workstation.
This must resolve to the same port number as that defined for use by
DB2 Connect at the DB2 for MVS/ESA host. Alternatively, you can
specify the service name associated with that port.
2. Create entries for the Database and Data Connection Services directories,
as follows (this shows the values used in the sample worksheet):
db2 catalog dcs database NYC3 as NEW_YORK3
db2 catalog database NYC3 as MVSIPDB1 at node MVSIPNOD authentication dcs
v MVSIPDB1 is user-defined and represents the DB2 Connect database
alias for the host database.
v NYC3 is the DB2 Connect database name for the host database.
v MVSIPNOD is the DB2 Connect node name for the host.
v NEW_YORK3 is the DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 LOCATION
NAME for the target database.
Chapter 5. Configuring Host and AS/400 Databases for DB2 Connect 51