Step 2. Update the APPC Profiles on the
DB2 Connect Workstation ....... 70
Configuring IBM eNetwork
Communications Server for Windows NT 70
Configuring IBM eNetwork
Communications Server for Windows NT
SNA API Client ......... 76
Configuring Microsoft SNA Server for
Windows NT .......... 79
Configuring Microsoft SNA Client . . . 88
Step 3. Catalog the APPC or APPN Node 91
Step 4. Catalog the Database as a Database
Connection Service (DCS) Database . . . 92
Step 5. Catalog the Database ...... 92
Step 6. Bind Utilities and Applications to
the Database Server ......... 94
Step 7. Test the Host or AS/400 Connection 94
Chapter 8. Enabling Multisite Updates
(Two-Phase Commit) ........97
Enabling Multisite Updates Using the
Control Center ..........101
Starting the Multisite Update Smartguide 101
Smartguide Steps.........101
Testing the Multisite Update Feature 101
Part 5. Configuring DB2 Clients to
Use DB2 Connect........103
Chapter 9. Configuring Client-to-Server
Communications Using the Client
Configuration Assistant .......105
Configuration Steps .........106
Adding a Database Using a Profile. . . 106
Adding a Database Using Discovery 108
Adding a Database Manually ....110
Creating and Using Profiles ......112
Server Profiles..........112
Client Profiles..........113
Part 6. Using DB2 Connect....117
Chapter 10. Running Your Own
Applications ...........119
Binding Database Utilities.......119
Binding to Host Databases .....120
Binding to DB2 Universal Databases 120
Running CLI/ODBC Programs .....121
Platform Specific Details for CLI/ODBC
Access ............123
Detailed Configuration Information . . 126
Running Java Programs .......127
Configuring the Environment ....128
Java Applications ........129
Java Applets ..........130
Part 7. Appendixes .......131
Appendix A. Basic Task Knowledge. . . 133
Starting the Software Registration Tool . . 133
Starting the Client Configuration Assistant 133
Starting the Control Center ......134
Entering Commands Using the Command
Center .............134
Entering Commands Using the Command
Line Processor ..........136
Command Line Mode .......136
Interactive Input Mode.......137
Working with the System Administrative
Appendix B. Using the Control Center to
Administer DB2 for OS/390 and DB2
Connect Enterprise Edition servers . . . 139
Preparing DB2 for OS/390 Servers for the
Control Center ..........140
Using the Control Center .......140
Appendix C. db2cpic.dll - Extended SNA
Security Codes on Windows NT and
Windows 95 ...........141
Appendix D. How the DB2 Library Is
Completing Tasks with SmartGuides . . . 143
Accessing Online Help ........144
DB2 Information – Hardcopy and Online 146
Viewing Online Information ......153
Accessing Information with the
Information Center ........154
Setting Up a Document Server .....155
Searching Online Information .....156
Printing the PostScript Books......156
Ordering the Printed Books ......157
Appendix E. National Language Support
iv Quick Beginnings