Chapter 1. About DB2 Connect
DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition
DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition is a connectivity server that
concentrates and manages connections from multiple desktop clients
and web applications to DB2 database servers running on host or
AS/400 systems. IBM’s DB2 for AS/400, DB2 for OS/390, and DB2 for
VSE & VM databases continue to be the systems of choice for
managing most critical data for the world’s largest organizations.
While these host and AS/400 databases manage the data, there is a
great demand to integrate this data with applications running on
Windows, UNIX, OS/2 and Apple workstations.
DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition enables local and remote client
applications to create, update, control, and manage DB2 databases and
host systems using Structured Query Language (SQL), DB2 APIs
(Application Programming Interfaces), ODBC (Open Database
Connectivity), JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), SQLJ (Embedded
SQLJ for Java), or DB2 CLI (Call Level Interface). In addition, DB2
Connect supports Microsoft Windows data interfaces such as ActiveX
Data Objects (ADO), Remote Data Objects (RDO), and OLE DB.
DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition is currently available for AIX, HP-UX,
Linux, OS/2, Solaris, and Windows NT operating systems. These
servers provide support for applications running on Windows 3.1,
Windows 9x, Windows NT, UNIX (AIX, SCO UnixWare 7, Solaris,
HP-UX, Linux, Silicon Graphics IRIX, SINIX), OS/2, and Apple
Macintosh workstations.
DB2 Connect Personal Edition
DB2 Connect Personal Edition provides access from a single
workstation to DB2 databases residing on servers such as MVS/ESA,
OS/390, OS/400, VM and VSE, as well as to DB2 Universal Database
servers on Windows NT, UNIX, and OS/2. DB2 Connect Personal
Edition provides the same rich set of APIs as DB2 Connect Enterprise
Edition, and also features integrated SNA support on all Windows
This product is currently available for OS/2, Linux, Windows 9x, and
Windows NT operating systems.
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