Intel® Server Platform SR6850HW4 TPS Power Supply
Revision 1.0
Intel order number D23151-001
5.3 AC Input Requirement
5.3.1 AC Input Voltage Specification
The power supply operates over the range and limits shown in Table 30.
Table 30. AC Input Rating
Parameter Minimum Nominal Maximum Unit
Vin (voltage) 85 100/240 264 VACrms
Vin (frequency) 47 50/60 63 Hz
Iin (90VAC) 16.7 Arms
Iin (100VAC) 15.0 Arms
Iin (115VAC) 16.0 Arms
Iin (180VAC) 11.25 Arms
Vin (turn-on) 80 85 VACrms
Vin (turn-off) 75 80 VACrms
The main outputs of the power supply will turn off per Vin (turn-off). Any standby outputs may
continue to operate at input AC voltages below Vin (turn-off).
5.3.2 Efficiency
The power supply has a minimum efficiency of 78% when operated under the maximum loading
conditions of 90VAC-264VAC, and environmental conditions. The minimum efficiency is 77%
when operated between 85-90VAC.
For loads less than maximum, the internal power dissipation cannot exceed 453W.
5.3.3 Input Over-Current Protection
The power supply has internal primary over-current protection. A normal-blow (fast blow), high-
breaking-capacity fuse is placed in the input circuit.
5.3.4 Inrush Current
When input power is applied to the power supply, any initial current surge or spike of 10ms or
less will not exceed 55A peak. Any additional inrush current surges or spikes in the form of AC
cycles or multiple AC cycles greater than 10ms, and less than 150ms, will not exceed 25A peak.
For any conditions during turn-on, the inrush current will not open the primary input fuse or
damage any other components.