Polling the Terminal
When you poll a terminal, you retrieve the punch information from
the terminal and the punches are placed in the database making the
data available in the PayClock software. It’s a good practice to poll
your terminal everyday or even better, activate the automatic polling.
If you can’t poll everyday, you should poll the terminal before
making any edits in the PayClock software. By polling everyday or
before making any edits, you can be sure you are working with the
most current data.
Polling from the Timecards Tab
The Data button group contains the Poll Terminals button, which
will poll the terminal(s) connected to the PayClock system.
1. Select the Timecards tab on the ribbon bar and click on the Poll
Terminals button.
2. Click Poll button or select the desired terminal from list and click
Poll button.
3. The punch data will be retrieved from the terminal and added to
the database.
4. You are now ready to view, modify or report on the polled data.
See Appendix C - Automatic Polling for detailed information on
setting up the automatic polling of FaceIN terminal.