NETGEAR WNDAP620 Network Router User Manual

Advanced Configuration
ProSafe Premium 3 x 3 Dual-Band Wireless-N Access Point WNDAP620
4. Click Apply to save your settings.
Configure Advanced Quality of Service Settings
For most networks, the default Quality of Service (QoS) queue settings work well. For
information about how to configure basic QoS, see Configure Basic Wireless Quality of
Service o
n page 62.
You can specify the settings on multiple queues for increased throughput and better
rmance of differentiated wireless traffic such as Voice-over-IP (VoIP), other types of
audio, video, and streaming media, as well as traditional IP data.
The advanced QoS options on the wireless access point are as follows:
EDCA parameters. Specify the access point (AP) Enhanced Distributed Channel
Access (EDCA) settings for different types of data transmitted from the wireless access
point to wireless clients.
tation EDCA parameters. Specify the station EDCA parameters for different types of
data transmitted from the wireless clients to the wireless access point. If WMM is
disabled, you cannot configure the Station EDCA parameters. (For information about how
to enable WMM, see Configure Basic Wireless Quality of Service on p
age 62.)
When you configure the EDCA settings, the wire
less access point can leverage existing
information in the IP packet header that is related to the Type of Service (ToS). The wireless
access point examines the ToS field in the headers of all packets that it processes. Based on
the value in a packet’s ToS field, the wireless access point prioritizes the packet for
transmission by assigning it to one of the queues. A different type of data is associated with
each queue. You can configure how the wireless access point treats each queue.
The queues defined for different types of d
ata transmitted from AP-to-station and
station-to-AP are:
a 0 (Best Effort). Medium priority queue, medium throughput and delay. Most
traditional IP data is sent to this queue.
a 1 (Background). Lowest priority queue, high throughput. Bulk data that requires
maximum throughput and is not time-sensitive is sent to this queue (FTP data, for
a 2 (Video). Highest priority queue, minimum delay. Time-sensitive video data is
automatically sent to this queue.
a 3 (Voice). Highest priority queue, minimum delay. Time-sensitive data such as VoIP
and streaming media are automatically sent to this queue.
To configure advanced QoS:
1. Select Configuration
> Wireless > Advanced > QoS Settings. The advanced QoS
Settings screen displays: