Glossary-53980-A2-GB30-20 November 1996
error control An algorithm used to correct data transmission errors.
escape sequence
Default setting is +++. This sequence lets you switch your modem from Data mode to
Command mode.
extended r
esult codes
An asynchronous message (in either numbers or words) that includes VF data rate and
error control information the modem sends to the DTE after executing or trying to
execute a command.
fax modem A modem capable of emulating some features of a fax machine. Working under the
control of fax software, a fax modem can communicate with a fax machine or with
another fax modem.
fax software A program or system of programs installed on a computer that allow a fax modem to
send and receive facsimile images.
Federal Communications Commission. Board of Commissioners that regulates all
interstate and foreign electrical communication systems that originate from the United
full-duplex Simultaneous, two-way communications.
function key One of three keys on the DCP that allows you to select or increment an LCD entry.
Function keys are labeled F1, F2, and F3.
oup III
A fax standard that specifies a rate of transmission of about one page per minute.
half-duplex Two-way data communications allowed in only one direction at a time.
The exchange of predetermined codes and signals (tones) to establish a connection
between two modems.
HDLC High-Level Data Link Control. A communications protocol defined by ISO.
hidden choice indicator A symbol appearing in the upper right-hand corner of the LCD, indicating that more
selections are available than what appears on the LCD.
host A computer attached to a network that shares its information and devices with the rest of
the network.
Hz A unit of frequency (hertz) that equals one cycle per second.
idle A state in which the modem’s operating parameters can be modified or commands can be
issued to the modem using either A
T commands or the DCP.
ITU-T The Telecommunications Standardization Sector of the International
elecommunications Union, an advisory committee established by the United Nations to
recommend communications standards and policies. Before March 1993 it was called
JM8 A jack used for leased-line networks. Pins 1 and 2 are the transmit pair and Pins 7 and 8
are the receive pair.
A set of seven keys surrounding the DCP’
s LCD. These keys are used to select
configuration options and to maneuver through the DCP.