COMSPHERE 3800Plus Modems
8-8 November 1996 3980-A2-GB30-20
Table 8-1
(2 of 7)
DTE Interface Configuration Options
*Async #Data Bits: 8
Nxt 8 7 9(DirectMde) 6(DirectMde)
Asynchronous Number of Data Bits. Determines if the asynchronous data length is composed of 6, 7, 8, or 9 data bits.
This data length excludes start, parity, and stop bits.
8 – Sets data length to 8 data bits. Sets data length to 8 data bits. Sets data length to 8 data bits.
– Sets data length to 7 data bits.
9(DirectMode) – Sets data length to 9 data bits. Only valid when Error Control configuration option is set to Direct Mode.
6(DirectMode) – Sets data length to 6 data bits. Only valid when Error Control configuration option is set to Direct Mode.
The factory default is 8 data bits.
NOTE: If the DTE Dialer Type configuration option is set for AT or V.25bis Async, then the total character size must
equal 10 bits (see DTE Dialer configuration options group). Total character size consists of an asynchronous
start bit, asynchronous number of data bits, parity bits, and asynchronous stop bits. V.25bis Async must use
7 data bits with even parity and 1 stop bit. The total character size for Error Control mode or Buffer mode must
be 10 bits or less. The total character size for Direct mode must be 11 bits or less.
There is no AT command equivalent; AT prefix determines the async character length.
*Asyn Parity Bit: None
Nxt None Even Odd Mark Space
Asynchronous Parity Bit. Determines type of asynchronous parity bit. The parity of the DTE must match the parity of the
modem. Parity options include None, Even, Odd, Mark, or Space.
None – No parity bit is used.
Even – Parity bit is set so that total number of 1’s in data bits plus parity bit is even.
Odd – Parity bit is set so that total number of 1’s in data bits plus parity bit is odd.
Mark – Parity bit is always set to 1. Only valid if Async #Data Bits configuration option is set to 7.
Space – Parity bit is always set to 0. Only valid if Async #Data Bits configuration option is set to 7.
The factory default is None.
NOTE: If the DTE Dialer Type configuration option is set for AT or V.25bis Async, then the total character size must
equal 10 bits (see DTE Dialer configuration options group). Total character size consists of an asynchronous
start bit, asynchronous number of data bits, parity bits, and asynchronous stop bits. V.25bis Async must use
7 data bits with even parity and 1 stop bit. The total character size for Error Control mode or Buffer mode must
be 10 bits or less. The total character size for Direct mode must be 11 bits or less.
There is no AT command equivalent; AT prefix determines parity of the async character.
*Asyn #Stop Bits: 1
Nxt 1 2
Asynchronous Number of Stop Bits. Selects 1 or 2 bits to signal the end of an asynchronous character.
The factory default is 1.
NOTE: If the DTE Dialer Type configuration option is set for AT or V.25bis Async, then the total character size must
equal 10 bits (see DTE Dialer configuration options group). Total character size consists of an asynchronous
start bit, asynchronous number of data bits, parity bits, and asynchronous stop bits. V.25bis Async must use
7 data bits with even parity and 1 stop bit. The total character size for Error Control mode or Buffer mode must
be 10 bits or less. The total character size for Direct mode must be 11 bits or less.
There is no AT command equivalent; AT prefix determines the number of stop bits via autobauding.
* This configuration option only appears if Async/Sync Mode is configured for Async.