DCP Operation
4-53810-A2-GB30-20 November 1996
DCP LEDs for the standalone Model 3820 are listed
and described in Table 4-2.
The SDCP LEDs are listed and described in Table 4-3.
Table 4-2
Model 3820 DCP LEDs
Color Indicates
RTS/105 green RTS signal is ON.
CTS/106 green CTS signal is ON.
TXD/103 green The modem is receiving data from the DTE to transmit. (ON equals space.)
LSD/109 green The modem receiver has detected a valid carrier signal and is capable of transferring data to
the DTE.
RXD/104 green Data is being transferred to the DTE. (ON equals space.)
SQ yellow The receive telephone line signal is degraded.
Table 4-3
Label Color Indicates
OK green Power is ON and the modem is capable of operating.
Alrm red The modem has detected a problem with its operation. For example, the modem failed a
BckUp yellow The modem, originally configured for leased-line operation, is now operating on dial
networks in a Dial Backup mode.
Test yellow The modem is involved in a test. Normal operation is not possible.
EC green Modem is in Error Control mode.