D. Router Command Line Summaries and Shortcuts
9700-A2-GB20-20 December 2002 D-3
Access Control and System Level Command Summary
Table D-2, Access Control and System Level Commands, lists of all of the access
control and system level commands for the CLI.
Table D-2. Access Control and System Level Commands
Command Function
? Displays all valid commands for the current
access level.
! Used to enter comments. Comments following
the ! are ignored by the CLI.
configure {terminal|factory) Enters configuration mode so configuration
options can be edited.
disable Exits Administrator access level.
enable Enters/enables the Administrator access level.
enable password
no enable password [
Sets or disables the password level. Default is
end Leaves configuration mode to return to
standard operating mode.
exit Leaves the current configuration level or
terminates the session. It may be necessary to
enter the exit command several times when
leaving configuration mode.
help Displays a summary of help options.
no] pager Enables/Outputs up to 23 lines.
reload Resets the router and reloads its configuration.
save Saves changes to the router’s configuration.