3. Configuration Procedures
3-4 December 2002 9700-A2-GB20-20
Accessing and Displaying Configuration Options
To access and display configuration options, load a configuration option set into
the edit area.
To load a set of configuration options for editing:
1. From the Main Menu, press the down arrow key until the cursor is on
2. Press Enter to display the Configuration menu. The Load Configuration
From: menu appears.
Loading a configuration with many DLCIs from a unit’s Customer or
Scratchpad configuration option area may take time. Allow a minute or
more for the file to be loaded.
3. Select the configuration option area from which you want to load configuration
options (Current Configuration, Customer Configuration, Scratchpad
Configuration, or Default Factory Configuration) and press Enter.
The selected set of configuration options is loaded into the configuration edit
area and the Configuration Edit/Display menu appears.
This sequence of steps is shown in this guide as the menu selection sequence:
Main Menu Configuration