3 – Event Messages
Alarm Events
3-24 59060-02 B
(A1007.0012) (Port with World Wide Name (WWN) port_WWN address FC_address not
authorized to login, verify MS security configuration)
Meaning: The port cannot login with the current security configuration.
Action: Add the named port to the Management Server group in the active
security set.
(A1007.0013) (Response from address FC_address, lacks authentication, discarding)
Meaning: A response received on the indicated port lacked Common
Transport (CT) authentication.
Action: Verify that the CT security configuration of the management
application using the remote port is compatible with the
configuration of the Management Server security group on the
(A1007.0014) (Response from WorldWide Name (WWN) device_WWN address FC_address,
failed authentication, discarding)
Meaning: A request received on the indicated port failed Common Transport
(CT) authentication.
Action: Verify that the CT security configuration of the management
application using the remote port is compatible with the
configuration of the Management Server security group on the
(A1007.001C) (Security: Bad Authentication Flags)
Meaning: The received AUTH frame did not meet the standard format for the
frame payload. Within the header portion of the payload, there are
some flags that are supposed to be set to zero. This frame has the
flags set to something other than zero.
Action: Check the remote device for a possible error condition. Reset the
port to retry again. If errors continue, disable CHAP for this device
if it belongs in the fabric.
(A1007.001D) (Ignoring RADIUS Server Radius_Server, invalid IP address configured)
Meaning: A Radius Server could not be found at the configured IP address.
Action: Check the Radius Server, or change the configuration to use an IP
address for a valid Radius Server.
(A1007.001F) (Access reject from RADIUS server IP_address:port for device on this port)
Meaning: Security authentication retries has reached maximum retry count.
The port will now isolate.
Action: Check the security configuration.