6. Begin typing a word.
A list of word options displays.
7. Touch to display more words.
To add more words, see “Adding Words To Your Word
List” on page 45.
8. Continue typing your message. XT9 mode can be used
in portrait or landscape mode.
Adding Words To Your Word List
To add more word options:
1. Touch
Configure input methods
in the Status bar.
The Configure input methods pop-up displays.
2. Touch
Set up input methods
The Language and input settings screen displays.
3. Touch next to Samsung keyboard to display
Samsung keyboard settings.
4. Touch
Predictive text
My word list
5. Touch
Add word
6. Use the on-screen keyboard to enter the word.
Editing Text
You can edit the text you enter in text fields by cutting,
copying, or pasting text. These operations can be performed
within and across apps. However, some apps do not support
editing some or all of the text displayed while others may
offer their own way to select text.