4. Touch a business in the list to see more details about it.
The business details such as address, phone, website,
and location are displayed. You can also see reviews
from around the web and from Google users.
5. Touch your location at the bottom of the Places pop-up
to write a review, check in here, view reviews and
details, or choose another location nearby.
Search the internet, and your device, using the Google
search engine.
The Google Search widget displays on a Home screen by
default. For information about displaying widgets on the
Home screen, see “Adding Widgets to a Home screen” on
page 30.
1. From a Home screen, touch
– or –
From a Home screen, touch
2. Use the keyboard to enter search criteria to display
matching searches.
– or –
Touch and speak the search criteria slowly and
clearly. Google searches for the information and
displays results.
Suggestions display below the text entry area.
3. Touch a suggestion to search for that term.
– or –
Touch on the keyboard to start the search.
A browser window displays the search results.