Chapter 9: List Features
8 augment( augment(
list 1
list 2
Returns a list appending the specified lists.
• Obtain the list appending L1
({4, 2, 7}) and L2 ({
-1, -3, -4}).
9 list→mat( list→mat(
list 1, ..., list n, matrix name
Makes a matrix using the specified list as column data, stored
under the specified matrix name (for Advanced mode only).
• Make a matrix mat A using list
L1 as the first row and list L2
as the second row.
* The dimensions of the two
lists must be the same.
* Complex numbers cannot be used with this function.
* This function is the same as list→mat of the OPE menu in the
MATRIX function.
0 mat→list( mat→list(
matrix name
list name 1
..., list name n
matrix name
column number
list name
Makes lists from the matrix (for Advanced mode only).
This function is the same as “mat→list” of the OPE menu in the
MATRIX function. See page 128 for details.