Chapter 2: Operating the Graphing Calculator
2. Performing standard math calculations
By utilizing the + - | and = keys, you can perform the standard
arithmetic calculations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Press
E to perform each calculation.
Obtain the answer to “6
× 5 + 3
– 2”.
# C 6 | 5 + 3
- 2 E
With the ( and ) keys, parentheses (round brackets)
can be added to group sections of expressions. Sections within
the parentheses will be calculated first. Parentheses can also be
used to close the passings of values in various functions, such as
“ipart 3.14”.
Obtain the answer to “(9
+ 7) ×
(5 – 3)”.
# C ( 9 + 7
) | ( 5 - 3
) E
Note: The multiplication sign “
×”, as the one in the above example, can
be abbreviated if it proceeds a math function, a parenthesis “(”, or
a variable. Abbreviating “(1
+ 2) × 3” to “(1 + 2) 3” will result in an
Cursor Basics
The cursor indicates where the next entry will be placed. The cursor may be placed
automatically to different areas by various functions and tools, or can be moved
around by using the ; ' { } keys. Use the cursor keys to select a
menu item, select a cell item in a matrix, and trace along a graph.
Perform an