
Chapter 3. Preparing the Library
Managing the Split-Bus Configuration
A split logical library appears to the host system as two independent physical libraries.
In the example below, the library is configured as two logical libraries, where Logical
Library 2 has 10 slots and its SCSI ID is set to 5.
To identify the slots associated with the two logical libraries, the Move Tapes screen
shows a blank row between the slots assigned to each library. In the screen shown
below, slots 1-30 are assigned to Logical Library 1 (SCSI Port 1) and slots 31-40 are
assigned to Logical Library 2 (SCSI Port 2).
Physical slot numbers retain the original numerical sequence on the front panel
interface. In this example, the slots in Logical Library 2 are mapped as 1-10 to the host
system, but mapped as 31-40 on the Move Media screen.
Figure 3-3 Configuring a library for split-bus mode.
Figure 3-4 The Move Media screen changes in split-bus mode.
Logical Library 2
is allocated 10
The remaining
slots in the
library are
allocated to
Logical Library 1.
for Logical
Library 2 is
set to 5.
Slots allocated
to Logical
Library 2
(SCSI Bus 2)
are separated
from slots
allocated to the
first library.
Slots allocated
to Logical
Library 2
(SCSI Bus 2)
Slots allocated
to Logical
Library 1
(SCSI Bus 1)